Our Values

As stewards under God’s word, we serve Jesus through a ministry that is…..



We want to never lose sight of the good news. Because the gospel is God’s powerful revelation of His righteousness (Ro 1:16), the message we bring (Ac 20:24), and the saving truth upon which we stand (1Co 15:1), the reach of our ministry ought never to outstrip the gospel but, as though tethered, always be drawn back to it with increasing vigour.




We want God to get all the credit. In recognition of our utter dependence upon the one true Creator and holy God (Dt 6:4, Ac 17:24- 25), who sovereignly gives us not only natural life and eternal life in His Son (Eph 2:6), but whose image we bear, whose majesty we worship, and whose grace we enjoy – before Him our Father (Ep 4:6) we minister with the aim that through all we say and do He may be glorified (1Co 10:31), as our Lord Jesus did (Jn 17:4).




We want people to remember Jesus. The effect of our ministry shall be to honour, promote, and uphold Jesus Christ as Lord to one another and to the world (Col 3:17); reflecting the highest station to which he has been raised (Eph 1:20-22) and anticipating the consummation of His Kingdom come (2Pe 1:11, Rev 22:12).




We want the Holy Spirit to guide us. Our ministry relies upon the power (Ac 1:8, 1Co 2:4) and provision (Jn 14:26) of the indwelling Holy Spirit for its effectiveness (2Co 1:21-22); bearing righteous fruit (Gal 5:22-25) in accordance with the spiritual gifts God graciously endows (1Co 12:4-7) and following the divine will as God faithfully reveals it to His children (Ro 8:14) by that Spirit (Col 1:9-10).




We want to treat people better than they deserve. As ambassadors of Christ (2Co 5:20) we minister truth (Jn 1:16-17) in the humility and meekness of our Master (Mt 12:20); leading through our service and loving others by losing ourselves for the sake of the gospel (Mt 25:40). We want the sweet fragrance of grace should permeate every ministry encounter, relieving any oppressed and restoring any broken ones (Tt 2:11).




We want to make disciples. Far from haphazard or aimless (1Co 9:26), our ministry is focused by Christ’s commission to go into all the world making disciples (Mt 28:19-20). As Jesus’ witnesses (Ac 1:8), we regard people from an eternal perspective (2Co 5:16) that is simultaneously compassionate (2Pe 3:9) and concerned (Ro 10:14-15) for those who don’t yet know Christ as Saviour and Lord (Ac 5:31).




We want our self-denial to bless others. As Jesus’ disciples we recognise the transforming power of gospel ministry comes with a cost to our time, resources, and self-interest (Lk 14:25-33). Because the Lord who brings life from death calls His redeemed to daily carry their cross and practice self-denial (2Co 4:12), we embrace a ministry that knows both resurrection power and participation in suffering (Php 3:10).




We want our actions to show God is trustworthy. Our ministry aims to develop active trust in God (Jas 2:22), through which the righteousness of Christ is credited for salvation (Ro 3:22). Refined through trials, this faith becomes precious (1Pe 1:7) and the means by which we persevere in a life pleasing to God (Heb 11:6).




We want our love to be known and felt. Above all, our ministry ought to demonstrate our love for God and for each other, as these two requirements encompass God’s commands (Mk 10:31-32). Should we fail to love, our witness (Jn 17:23) and our ministry would be fundamentally compromised (1Co 13:3). As the greatest and most enduring of Christian virtues (1Co 13:13), we put on love to bind all of our service together (Col 3:14).