Easter Week at WDBC

Hymns R Us

Saturday 23 March, 2024

Time: 3pm - 5pm

Join the Hymns R Us choir and musicians as we all take the Journey to the Cross!
Afternoon tea will be provided, and there will also be child minding available.

This event will be livestreamed.

No need to register - we look forward to seeing you there!


Palm Sunday

Sunday 24 March, 2024

Morning Service - 9.30am (livestreamed)
Evening Service - 5.30pm

As we head into the Easter week, come and gather as we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem - the precursor to his triumphant victory over death. All for us! Hosanna!

easter church services in windsor

Stations of the cross: Guided Reflection

Tuesday 26 - Thursday 28 March, 2024

Various Times

What role does lament have during the celebration of Easter?
How can I experience deeper oneness with Christ through the various highs & lows of life?

This Easter season, the Stations of the Cross opportunity at WDBC can assist you in a meditative journey through the biblical account of Jesus’ final hours before his crucifixion. This is a tangible and reflective experience to help us slow down and absorb key truths that we might rush through in the busyness of the season or familiarity of Easter story. With seven different stations to move through, pausing for prayer and reflection in each space, this experience takes 1-2 hours depending on how quickly you choose to move through it. You will need to sign up in advance for your chosen time slot. We encourage you to book two spots back-to-back if you do not want to feel rushed.

Reserve your private time slot, using the ‘Sign Up’ button…

easter church services in windsor

Good Friday Church Service

Friday 29 March, 2024

Time: 9.30am
NEW LOCATION: McQuade Park, Windsor
(Link to Google Map)

This year we have the privilege of worshipping together with other Hawkesbury Churches to celebrate Good Friday.
The Good Friday service will be held at McQuade Park, George Street, Windsor starting at 9.30am.
Please get there early so you can get a park and find a comfy spot.
We will be outdoors, so please bring chairs, a rug and possibly an umbrella.

For those who are unable to attend, we will be doing a ‘FACEBOOK LIVE’ from the event.
Tune into our Facebook Page at 9.30 on Good Friday and enjoy the service.


WET WEATHER PLAN: If it happens to be raining on Good Friday, the Combined Churches event will be moved to Strong Nathions Church (Macquarie St &, Brabyn St, Windsor NSW 2756 LINK TO GOOGLE MAP ) Any change in venue will be posted our website and Facebook Page on Friday morning.

easter church services in windsor

Easter Sunday church service

Sunday 31 March, 2024

Time: 9.30am (Morning service only)

Jesus is Risen!!

On Easter Sunday we will gather together at WDBC to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, life and victory. There is hope and peace available to us through Jesus because He has conquered death..

We will be having one service on Easter Sunday, which will also be livestreamed via our Livestream page.

easter church services in windsor

Easter Celebration Feast

Sunday 31 March, 2024

Time: 12pm - 3pm

After the Easter morning service, there is opportunity to feast together, celebrating through breaking bread (and a whole lot more than just bread) and enjoying the true fellowship we have only through Jesus Christ our Risen Lord and His victorious Spirit within us.

Join us for a Celebration Feast for the whole family. We will enjoy a delicious lunch extravaganza with music as we celebrate Our Risen Lord Jesus! Menu includes a delicious two course meal. There will be options for gluten free.

All welcome! Donations to cover costs.

RSVP by 25th March for catering purposes