
God has blessed us so richly and abundantly, and we love to share his blessing with those around us. Here are just a couple of ways you can share at WDBC.


Share your time

At WDBC we recognise that God has blessed each one of us with unique gifts and talents, and we have many ways to bless those around us. If you’d like to share your gifts with the WDBC family and local community, or even if you’d like to learn something new, then let us know what area you’d like to serve in and we’ll put you in touch with the team leader.


Share with others

WDBC’s Emergency Relief gives food hampers to local residents in a time of need or financial crisis. Help us continue this much needed ministry by either donating non-perishable food items to the Info desk at church, or by donating funds using the bank details below. Please email ‘’ with your payment confirmation if you would like a tax deductable receipt.


Emergency Relief
BSB: 062-622
Account Number: 1058 9968

(please use your name as a reference if you would like a receipt)


Share your Money

As part of the WDBC family, we see it as an act of worship to give back to the work of the church both in our local community and overseas. If you’d like to set up regular online giving, you can use the bank details below:

Tithes & Offerings:

Windsor District Baptist Church - General Funds
BSB - 704 922 // ACCOUNT - 100 004 623


Share to a cause

There are so many ways that we can share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Whether it’s with someone on your own street, in the supermarket isle, or on the other side of the world, every act of love and kindess that we show others is also bringing glory to God.

Here are a few ways that we can show love outwardly……