Love Outwardly


There are so many ways that we can share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Whether it’s with someone on your own street, in the supermarket isle, or on the other side of the world, every act of love and kindess that we show others is also bringing glory to God.

Here are a few ways that we can show love outwardly……


Support Missionaries who are Spreading the Gospel

Through the generous giving of our WDBC family, we’re honoured to support a number of missionaries as they spread the Gospel through various parts of the world. Learn more about their work and how you can support them.

Sponsor a child through compassion

As a church, we have committed to sponsoring a group of children from the Kupang region of Indonesia, through Compassion.

Click the button below to learn about our WDBC sponsored children, or head to Compassion to sponsor a child personally.

Help families in Ukraine

Every day ECM (European Christian Mission) is giving away 900 loaves of bread through its centres, helping folk, and talking about the hope God can provide, when things may seem hopeless. 

Together, we can help. Every $1 donated buys a loaf of bread.

The destruction in Ukraine is hard to imagine. 78,000 homes and apartments damaged or destroyed. Over 240 hospitals badly damaged. Thousands of civilians killed or injured. People hiding in bomb shelters. Daily missile and drone strikes. Children, mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers traumatised and grieving. 

ECM volunteers are giving away bread, providing beds in churches, and are sharing devotions and praying with many people. Their church services are full. Over 25 people have become Christians and been baptised. God is working and he cares. 

Click the button below to donate directly through the ECM website, or donate at the Information Desk.

(WDBC Adventurers supporting European Christian Mission)

Share God’s love Through Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for you to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts. Boxes are collected and distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in vulnerable situations. Whether it’s packing a gift-filled shoebox, volunteering, or donating, there are many opportunities for you to get involved and make an eternal difference!

loving others with your shopping choices

Another practical way we can love others is with our shopping choices, making sure we support the businesses who treat their workers fairly and pay them appropriately.

Here are a few resources that can help you make ethical shopping choices and support the businesses that take good care of their workers.

(Available in your favourite App Store)

(Available in your favourite App Store)