Christmas Hamper Drive


This Christmas, Windsor District Baptist Church Emergency Relief will be giving food hampers to people in need throughout the Hawkesbury.

With the cost of living continuing to rise, more and more families will be finding it dificult to make ends meet and enjoy a Christmas celebration they deserve.

Along with some of our usual pantry staples, our Christmas Hampers will also be filled with some festive treats like chocolates, ham, pudding, and fun things for the kids.

Our goal is to bless 50 families this Christmas!
Will you help us?

We’ve priced the hampers at $70 each. Feel free to help out any way that you can.

Please Donate

Financial donations are tax deductible, so if you would like a receipt please email a copy of your transaction to

Donate via bank transfer

To give via BANK TRANSFER, use the following account to transfer your donation

Emergency Relief
BSB: 062-622
Account Number: 1058 9968
Reference: ‘CHRISTMAS’

Donate Via Credit Card

To give via CREDIT CARD, click the button below


Donate in Church

Visit the INFO DESK at the back of the church to donate in cash or tap your credit card.

Thank you for your support and for partnering with us to bless our local community.