What is the Church - Born of the Spirit Part 1 - (Acts 1: 4-8, 2: 1-4, 2: 14-21, 2: 38-47) Anna HutchinsJonathan Hoffman7 August 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - The Glory of Christ (Isaiah 60: 1- 5, 19 - 22, 2 Cor 3: 17 - 4: 7) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman31 July 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - The Body of Christ Part 2 - (Col 1: 15 - 29) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman24 July 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - The Body of Christ Part 1 - (Acts 9:1-6, 1Cor 12:12-27, Eph 1:22-23) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman17 July 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - The Bride of Christ (Eph 5:21-33 Rev 19:9) Tim McManusJonathan Hoffman10 July 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - The Redeemed of the Lord (Rev 5: 1-12, Isaiah 35: 1-10) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman3 July 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - God's Field (Matt 13: 3-9, 18-30) Stephen ColeJonathan Hoffman26 June 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - God's Building (Isaiah 28: 16 - 22, Ephesians 2: 19 - 22, 1 Peter 2: 4 - 10) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman19 June 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - God's Household (Hosea 11:1-11 Galatians 3:26 - 4:7) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman12 June 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
What is the Church - The Assembly of God's People (Isaiah 11: 1-12 Rom 1: 1-7) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman5 June 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Life with the Great Shepherd (Heb 13: 20 - 25) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman29 May 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Life Outside the Camp (Heb 13: 7 - 17) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman22 May 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Life on a Pilgrim Way (Heb 13: 1 - 6) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman15 May 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Voices from the Mountain (Heb 12: 18 - 29) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman8 May 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Crossing the Finishing Line Together (Heb 12: 14 - 17) Chris CullenJonathan Hoffman1 May 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Trained as Sons (Heb 12: 4 - 13) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman24 April 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Easter Sunday - Running after Jesus (Heb 12:1-3) Jonathan HoffmanStephen Cole17 April 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Good Friday - Finding Rest in the Crucified Messiah (Luke 23:42-56) Stephen ColeStephen Cole15 April 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Forsaking the Earthly City (Heb 11:17-40, Luke 19:41-44) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman10 April 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment
Seeing Jesus - Seeking the Unseen City (Heb 11:8-16) Jonathan HoffmanJonathan Hoffman3 April 2022Windsor District Baptist Churchsermons, leaving a kingdom, sermon on the mount, matthew 7, kingdom of god, discipleshipComment